
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Are You Going To Heaven When U Die???

Many people think that they are human with a soul. They are essentially right. I like to look at it this way - we are all spirits, souls, having many human experiences. Matthew 7 verse 13 and 14 state that the gate is narrow and the road is straight. There are many people that take the broad road which lead to their destruction. Few people travel the road that is straight, narrow and righteous. Accepting Christ into ones life is a start. He does not need us to accept Him. It is our choice. We need to accept the fact that there is a God and that all things go through our intercessor, Christ Jesus. It is the only way. He is the propieation for all sin. Many people think that they can continue to sin and that their sin will be forgiven. Yet, is the sin you ask forgiveness for, of a sincere heart? Are you right with the Lord in all that you do? Or is your sincerity as fleeting as your heart? We often seek out divine intervention only in times of trouble or despair. People walk around with blinders on today. We have fallen so far away from the grace God wants for you. Our nation today is traveling a broad road, or as some theologians like to call it, the "middle road." It is a road that leads to destruction! Make yourself right so that you can climb back on the narrow road that leads to life after life. Exercise your right that love is what God wants us to engage on earth and understand. Knowing God's will and His design plan for your future will bring you into the mind set you need to bow down and worship the Son and to do all things good to the glory of the Father.
God bless, Deaconess Bar

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