
Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Romans 3:22 - tells us that righteousness comes from God and it is by faith through Jesus Christ who believe, not through some mythological difference that opposes the word of God. Be careful not to crave attention so much that you get caught up in idolatry. There are many religions in the world and not all religions are good. There are false religions and false leaders that will lure the lost into the clutches of Satan. Anything that is not of God and not through the Son of Man is idolatry. We live in a heavily influenced society today where evil is prevalent. One must be watchful of those who cause divisions and obstacles contrary to the teaching of Christ, for no man has greater power than the Originator of life. According to Philosophy, benevolence is seen as optimism, that is applied to others based on a benevolent universe promise. The fact remains in religious philosophy that God is the standard. He is Creator of the world and continually sustains it. We are capable of understanding the basics of Christianity. God equips us so that we do not have to fall away and self-destruct. If our children are not taught sound biblical beliefs by adults, they have nothing, no foundation that can be given in faith. People think with the New Testament at hand that the Old Testament laws and ones obedience to the Lord is not necessary, but it is and the laws are just as important today. We are justified by faith and need to up our level of righteousness and plant ourselves firmly in Christ so that we too do not fall away. We must mature ourselves in Christ.
God bless, Deaconess Barb

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