
Tuesday, June 15, 2010


If God exist then why is there evil in the first place? First let us establish that "There Is A God." That He is all powerful, omnipotent, who knows all. He is present in all things in His divine will. God is good, righteous and the truth. Evil exist, whether we call it, Satan, Lucifer, the devil or just plan evilness, it exist! Job from the bible knew that evil existed all to well. He also knew that there was a God and had total faith and love for Him. Job refused to turn his back on the Lord. God controls evil. Satan is on a short leash, but nevertheless his powers are here, but limited. We see evil in the suffering of 911, Aides, cancer, fires, tornadoes, and many disasters. It is imperative to know that God can us evil for good. This is where our understanding must take hold. God used Job to vindicate righteousness or good over evil. He can take the most horrendous evil and turn it to good. He took the dying of Jesus, His Son, nailed to a cross, beaten and tortured, tormented and left to die at Calvary, the worst horrendous death by man to bring man the good, salvation for all. Acts 2:23 states; This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put Him to death by nailing Him to the cross. This was Gods purpose in His design plan to hand Jesus over to man. Out of this came a great love for man in forgiveness of sin. Don't get men wrong though, to say evil is good - is evil. God is not evil. God's sovereignty stands good over evil. Since it is obvious that God has mysterious complex ways, how do we respond to evil as Christians? First, we must make the Lord our source of comfort in this evil world. God is there to help you in times of trouble, pain and suffering. For this very reason we have these things which is God's design to affect our desire in Him. God can never use any one of us until He has humbled us greatly. Submit yourself to God's will and trust Him. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you. Purify your heart and don't allow Satan to take one moment of your life. Where there is hope there is love and where there is love there is God.

God bless, Deaconess Barb

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